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컨텐츠 영역


Chief Prosecutor

Human Rights Inspection Officer

Deputy Chief Prosecutor

Investigation Planning Officer
Human Rights Investigation Policy Officer

Director General for Planning and Coordination

Director of Planning and Finance
Director of Administration
Director of Case Management

Criminal Investigative Division

Digital Forensic Team

Investigation Department I
Investigation Department II
Investigation Department III
Investigation Department IV

Chief Prosecutor : Exercises overall control over the affairs of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials and directs and supervises the staff under his or her jurisdiction

Deputy Chief Prosecutor : Assists the Director in exercising overall control over the affairs of the CIO and directing and supervising the staff under his or her jurisdiction

Spokesperson : Manages communication and online public relations

Human Rights Inspection Officer: Conducts internal audits and implements measures to protect and promote human rights

Director of Planning and Finance: Has congressional and budgeting duties, manages legislative bills, etc.

Director of General Affairs: Is responsible for work related to the organization, personnel, contracts, accounting, etc.

Director of Case Management: Registers and manages cases, etc.

Human Rights Investigation Policy Officer: Researches and provides training on mid-term and long-term statutes related to human rights-compliant investigations, observance of due process, etc.

Investigation Planning Officer: Plans and supports investigation work, etc.

Criminal Investigative Division: Investigates and handles cases, etc.

Digital Forensic Team: Conducts digital forensic investigations

Investigation Department I: Investigates cases of crimes committed by high-ranking officials, etc.

Investigation Department II: Investigates cases of crimes committed by high-ranking officials, etc.

Investigation Department III: Investigates cases of crimes committed by high-ranking officials, etc.

Investigation Department IV: Investigates cases of crimes committed by high-ranking officials, etc.